İstanbul Kültür University Facult of Education Mission And Vision

The Mission of İstanbul Kültür University Faculty of Education;

With reference to the mission of İstanbul Kültür University which is “To provide our students, the business sector, and the environment with reliable, efficient, and beneficial applications and to make sure the necessary knowledge is produced to this end by abiding by the national and universal rules and values of higher education and improving our relationship with our environment within a framework of mutual benefit”, the mission of the Faculty of Education is to provide its students with the highest level of education which is suitable for the needs of the age, to equip students with teaching competencies with the pedagogy and field courses received from the experienced faculty members of Faculty of Education, as well as practices in schools.

The Vision of İstanbul Kültür University Faculty of Education;

With reference to the vision of İstanbul Kültür University which is “To make sure our university’s original and high-quality applications and integration into society meets the modern civilization standards,” the vision of İKÜ Faculty of Education is to provide access to education for all groups in the context of fundamental human rights, to raise teachers who are qualified to meet social needs.

Last Update Date: Thu, 08/29/2019 - 11:34